The prime & crucial aim of this book has been to identify study,examine,verify and clarify the high and formidable claims of both religions as monotheistic asserting divinity,purity,piety,declaring their scipture authoritative,inerrant “World of Gods.”Notwithstanding these commonalities,there are distinct contarieties in many other areas such as composition of God (as believed in christianity),the person of Jesus Christ,resurrection,original sin etc.The object of this publication is to present the reader not only the tenets,theology,principles,customs & praactices of the worlds two great religions but also to place before him what these two religions mean,how they originated,what were their teachings,their sacred holy scriptures,the author/authors of thhese scriptures,the source of these scriptures,their contents,the levels of their acceptance,following,faith,belief and trust in them.
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